segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2014

Tully Considers Persistence

Persistence is a wonderful quality, and one that I am lucky enough to possess. What I do NOT possess, however, is the capacity to activate my persistence.

That's actually pretty darn important, for fairly obvious reasons. To be able to keep going, despite all adversity, has served me well over my life, on many, many times. It could have served me on many more, but I simply can't choose what I persist for.

It's more annoying that anything, really, precisely because the things that "activate" my persistence, per se, are the ones I truly feel for. My Youtube channel, for instance, is one of those things. I could've given up a long time ago. I didn't because fuck fate (and numbers), I have hope.

But some times, I really wish I could activate it at will. When I see something I want done, but simply can't bring myself to care enough for my persistence to activate. When I know something absolutely must happen, yet can't bring myself to get off my fat ass.

It sucks. But I've come to live with it, as with many other things.

Persistence and determination are the key to true happiness. Imagination gives you a goal and tenacity the power to go get it. But it's persistence that paves the road, that gives you the second, third, fourth winds necessary to reach that extra-hard objective. To know this is to know life (clichéd, I know, but that formula works for pretty much anything except extremely specialized stuff like rocket science and applied quantum mechanics).

2 comentários:

  1. as woody allen said "talent is luck. the important thing in life is courage"

  2. Tens aquilo que é preciso. Arranja forma de motivares aquilo que existe em ti, e serás grande. Talvez não para todo o mundo, mas para ti.
    É o que importa mais.
