sábado, 2 de novembro de 2013

Tully Considers Politics

I have absolutely nothing to say about politics.

Weird, right? I'm 19 years-old, I should have every damn opinion in the world! I should be able to recite dissertations by heart, argue like a Greek philosopher, make damn sure everyone in the world knows my opinion matters, even though I've only recently been considered responsible enough to participate in the democratic process.

But that's the thing. I know many, many people who think they understand politics. People my age. People who are idiots. As far as I'm concerned, unless you spend half your day watching the national assembly and studying political theory, you don't know jack sh*t and can't say otherwise. When your argument is "The government is bad because the government is bad", I'm just going to look away and start ignoring you.

If you're reading this, a rather specific person who this happened to, you can stay pissed all you want, that's not going to change the fact that you're an arse.

I don't pretend to understand politics, at least beyond a very superficial understanding of the concept of realpolitik (basically, that a country is simply looking for its own interests and every other country should be doing the exact same). All I do know is that every politician is looking towards himself first, the electorate second. This isn't a critique. This is basic human psychology. You can't expect anyone to consistently place others over themselves. Our brain doesn't work that way.

But I won't say anything else, precisely for the same reason I don't discuss religion: I don't care. I'm an apatheist (also known as a pragmatic atheist, though I truly HATE that definition) as well as a nonpartisan precisely because I couldn't give two shits about who's ruling the country, as long as they do it properly. Hell, I've been known to advocate despotism at times, if only because then we'd have something who has a vested interest in keeping things running on an equal level for everyone but him/herself. Justice through injustice and all that.

But I have nothing to say. I'm 19 years old and still have never seen a boob in real life, so why the hell should I be able to discuss politics?

See you next time. Thank you for tuning in.

3 comentários:

  1. Cuidado com o que afirmas, não te esqueças que ainda recentemente falamos do altruísmo. Embora... concorde que não se aplique à maioria dos políticos. No entanto, generalizações precipitadas são perigosas. Sei que sabes isso.

    1. God bless you, you actually read this.

    2. E sim, estou ciente, mas tem em conta que eu calho no lado "cínico" da escala Idealismo VS Cinicismo.
